

Project Overview

Initial Investigation: Researching COVID-19

Ideation of Design Solutions

Concept Pitch Presentation

Glove Design Iterations

Container Design Iterations

Clip Attachment Design Iterations

Physical Prototype

It has come to my attention that some people are unable to load the animations for the physical prototype demonstrations (in the next section) on their devices, and cannot even view them from the links I have provided. I have personally never experienced this problem, and I do not know its cause nor how to resolve it, but I am working on an alternative option for people who have this issue. I will post this alternative as soon as I am able to get it working. I apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Physical prototype demonstrations

Wearing and removing the glove using the container

CovSafe 9.1 Physical prototype demo

If the animation is not appearing, you can view the demonstration here: (link will open in a new tab).

Using the glove to touch a door knob

CovSafe 9.2 Physical prototype demo

If the animation is not appearing, you can view the demonstration here: (link will open in a new tab).

Final Presentation

Technical Report

Individual Contributions & Learnings

Individual CAD Assginment
